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Wednesday 20 March 2019

And then, Embroidery

March 20, 2019 0 Comments
The thing with knitting is that it takes a lot of time, so now I am not knitting so much, I've switched back to embroidery for a bit.

This is a photo of a needle book while in progress. It takes several hours to finish a piece, partly because as I sew I am deciding on placement of the flowers, and  which colours to use.  The more colours used, the more time consuming it gets. I'm using new brighter colors of felt lately.

Here it hasn't got all the flowers, and all the centers of the flowers haven't been done yet.  The little stitches in the background are not done yet either.  Usually the beads go on last, and they all get done at the same time, because I have to switch to a tiny skinny needle.  Most regular needles will not fit through seed beads!

I might add that the background is a synthetic fake fur throw blanket and not actually real fur.  It was just handy when I was sewing to act as a backdrop.

Once finished the needle book looks like this:

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